Welcome to Saint Ambrose—we are happy to have you join us today to celebrate The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Today’s first reading from Isaiah arises out of the ordeal of the people of Jerusalem and Judea as they anticipate the end of seventy years of exile in Babylon. Their sufferings and their oppression will end, and they are promised joy like that of a great wedding upon returning to their homeland. Although this passage is probably set in the early sixth century B.C., it is free of historical particulars. Accordingly, the Church has understood its imagery universally, as it proclaims God’s promise of healing, hope, and happiness for all peoples, in this world and in the next. When read against this background, the story of Jesus’ turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana becomes a revelation of God’s presence in the person of Jesus, making these promises real for us in the here and now, in the transformation of our own lives.
Have a great week—Stay safe and well and enjoy the gifts and blessings God has given us,
May God bless you always,
Fr. Dariusz
Register today for the 2024/2025 religious education program!
For those returning, please download the following 2 documents, fill them out and return to the parish office.
Returning Registration Form Parent Commitment Form
For new registrations, click the links below to download the forms you'll need to register.
** Please note: We need a copy of Baptismal certificate submitted along with the registration forms. **
New Registration Form Parent Commitment Form
The Catechetical program of St. Ambrose Parish seeks to provide adults, youth and children with the knowledge, experience and skills necessary to become faithful and fruitful disciples of Jesus. In keeping with their age, they will assume responsibility as vital members of the parish and be able to participate in the church’s mission to proclaim, celebrate and serve the coming of God’s reign.
Our CCD program scheduled classes are:
Grades 1-8 will be held on Sundays from 11:30 A.M. TO 12:45 P.M.
1St Communion classes will on Wednesdays from 4:00 P.M. - 5:30 P.M.
OCIA will be on Wednesday's 7:00 P.M - 8:15 P.M.
What is OCIA? Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) OCIA is a process through which adults become members of the Roman Catholic Church. This consists of steps, periods, and rites that make up the model of Christian Initiation as restored in the second Vatican Council.
Like more information?
Call the office 954-427-2227 and leave a message for Deacon Jerry.